Day 39

Acts 2:47  — An Attractive Community

This community (in the last half verse 47), enjoys “the favor of all the people.  And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

This is an attractive community.  People are drawn to it like magnets.  They can’t wait to get in on it!

I have developed a cardinal rule I use for speaking to groups of people. It has proven, over time that has proven to be the single most important piece of my preparation. Its what I call the “So What?” rule.  The idea is that when we read the Bible, and when we learn information from it, we always have to ask about what difference any of it actually makes in our lives.  We have to ask “So What?”

Today, ask God this:  So…what if this happened?  What if people were being added to the church daily as new converts? And then ask Him:  “What is my part in bringing that to pass?”

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